Mr. Willies brings more than 35 years background in charitable fundraising, public-relations, and marketing in a paid and voluntary capacity for organizations as diverse as Greenpeace (Vancouver, Canada), Help The Aged (UK), Salvation Army (Ottawa, Canada), SportAid (NY/London), Unicef (NY), and Operation Smile (Norfolk, VA). He has acted as Chairman and Executive Director for the British-American Business Council of Tampa Bay (of which he is currently on the board).
Paul’s skills extend through creation and development of new projects, design and publication of marketing materials, public relations, board negotiation, and financial and business management.
Mr. Willies was one of four original creators of Sport Aid, a single day event held May 25th, 1986 raising $37m to support famine relief in Africa. (see )
In addition to his charitable work, Paul has held positions in several political organizations, both voluntary and paid, as campaign manager in the United States, Canada, and England – running campaigns as diverse as State Senator (in the US); Member of Parliament – MP (UK); Member of the European Parliament – MEP (UK); as well as local positions from School Board, City Council, County Council, to County Auditor.
Paul’s “day job” is as a Commercial Real Estate Appraiser based in Tampa, Florida – where he is the Owner and Senior Appraiser for Appraisal Development International, Inc.
Paul was married to the late Carlisa Kearney, Dana Jones aunt, and has undertaken to create, advise, and manage the Dana Jones Foundation, Inc. on behalf of the family.